Hers, a Bronze Laus awarded project (2019), is a cards game that aims to raise awareness about current anchored sexism among teenagers. The project stands against the lack of social consciousness and non-existent gender and sexuality perspective in standard education systems.
Currently shaping their own identity throughout high school and university, people aged 11-18 y/o are also experiencing multiple and challenging emotional changes. As well as a crucial physical development, their sexuality continues to arise and evolve. However, this natural maturation is not usually accompanied by coeducational systems, where teenagers can freely embrace their identities and sexuality.
Therefore, Hers is created as a coeducational tool that compiles real and raw stories of anonymous women. They report cruel and ordinary violence scenes that women have survived.
Hers bases its methodology in a popular cards game, Black Stories.

Personal interviews were arranged with 24 anonymous women with different backgrounds. Each story was then personally and carefully written, and visually translated to a symbolical and emotional illustration.
24 women, 24 stories and 24 illustrations.

10 copies of Hers were printed on risography at Do The Print, Barcelona. If you want a copy contact Clara through email or instagram.